So the piles of illness are very much disturbed these natural cures

Nowadays people have hemorrhoids or piles that went a common disease. This disease makes blood with the patient's stool. This disease should be treated in time the disease is very fast growing.

Hemorrhoids are of two types. In common parlance it is known as the Kunni and flatulence piles. If you suffer from hemorrhoids disease so do not worry because many natural cures for this disease. Today one of them we are going to tell you a natural cure.

This treatment of your chronic hemorrhoids can be cured in 3 days 1. For this, you will only seek coir and nothing else. This means that treatment is much cheaper so it before having a time must be tried.

* Take burn coir and take hold across the bottle vial of his ashes.
* Then take mixed with half the ashes of the coir cup buttermilk or sour milk.
* Now it thrice empty stomach three grams a day.

Whether your piles of illness will be much too old, why not, right up to this natural treatment. Keep in mind that there should be yogurt or buttermilk fresh and more oily or spicy food do not eat the treat.
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