The Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences noted that life on Venus can be found precisely in the clouds.

Scientists believe that the clouds of Venus are live bacteria

Head of the Laboratory of spectroscopy of planetary atmospheres Space Research Institute (IKI) Lyudmila Zasova Tass reported that life on Venus can dwell in the air.

The Institute came to the conclusion that the clouds of Venus can live bacteria, similar to those that live in the human stomach and promote proper digestion of food, and thus resistant to acidic environments.

According to Lyudmily Zasovoy, the atmosphere at the level of the clouds on Venus is very much like the Earth's, and the cloud is 20% composed of water, which is why scientists concludes that bacteria can live it in there.

Recall that at the moment Russia and the United States work together to try to develop a project that promotes the discovery of life on Venus.

The mission of "Venera-D" for some time was frozen projects, however, was renewed last year. At the beginning of 2019 it is planned to publish the final report of the joint group of scientists of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI) and NASA, in which the overall goals and objectives of the project will be reflected. 

"Venus could be the first planet on which there was life in the solar system, that is, before the world", - said the head of the laboratory.
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