In southern Argentina discovered dinosaur eggs

Dinosaur eggs were found in the province of Neuquen in the south of Argentina. As the agency Telam , their age totals 70 million years.
Inside the egg preserved dinosaur embryos. As has told the head of the Department for Protection of Cultural Heritage Neukena Klaudiya Della Negra, for scientists this discovery is of great importance. "They are fully examined the embryos, and has already managed to make an analysis of the fetal skin and teeth", - she said. According to her, the eggs have reached our times in good condition due to the fact that the area where they were found was once a swamp, which was then buried under volcanic deposits.
dinosaur nest accidentally found a local shepherd near the village of Aguada San Roque a few years ago, however, scientists reported the discovery of just now. As noted by the researchers, this is not the first such discovery in the province. In 1997, scientists have also managed to find the remains of the ancient reptiles unhatched.
As noted Della Negra, in the area where the eggs are regularly nest of dinosaurs, as well as animal remains were found that they ruined. She expressed the hope that this place will be able to create a paleontological park that will preserve this area for future generations. In addition, according Degli Negra, the park could become a popular tourist attraction and create new jobs in Aguada San Roque.
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