But is it Attraction lost after the wedding. Couples relationship is no longer room for love in it that are so complex many times. If you want to keep holding my lifetime the delicate strings of your relationship, you should follow these Love Rules.

6 Amazing Love Rules For Happy Love Life

Used to spend

If you always used to change your wardrobe, according to the latest trends and fashions and husband just four pairs of shirts and two pairs of shoes prefer to stay in, then of course you the high cost will not be used to husband all LS. He will point fingers at your expense, which could be bad blood between you. Sunaina says, I take things manga when you're not online bad habit of shopping, so many times I have to say, think about the fact that now is not right, then I will give in, but do not like my habit husband at all. It has been also taking their fight me several times. They do not want to spend a dime to do without. 

What does the study? 

Failing a habit of such spending is far more differences between couples that are not satisfied with their relationship. On the contrary, if the husband and wife are both Khrchile or both are very economical, it remains very little room between their estrangement.

we not me

After the wedding, even if your individual identity, but as a couple you become one. Which are already unable to rise above the couple Dagmanf facing problems in their relationship and they are not happy with their relationship. Instead I during conversations or arguments we use terms like satisfied by a husband and wife more than other couples and live happy. Now the success of relationships instead of you, I'd go to learn to say. 

What does the study? 

Which couples we use our words like, is much love lost between them. Do not place in their relationship anger and negative behavior. Their Psychological stress level in the absence of agreement on any issue is too low. In contrast, couples I, you, I used such words, it shows between their isolation and dissatisfaction.

Positive thinking

On every front of life, positive thinking for success is as important, also for the success of equally important relationship. Positive people do not think they do not have it, but that is for him, he is happy and thank God. To let thanked the partners to maintain positive your relationship, to celebrate together the celebration with success.Check each other, to enjoy it with fun activities, special sea partner. 

What does the study? 

Positive thinking formed strong relationships with couples having and they are also satisfied with the partner. Positive thinking means ignore those problems that it is not, but get detailed his views on positive thinking, so take together resolved easily any problem.

Stay in bed Best

Active Happy Married Life sex life is very important. Which couples are sexually less active, but are not completely satisfied with your relationship. On the other hand, sexually active couple's relationship remains strong and satisfied. Some people think that less adventurous sex life with increasing age, which I do not. In contrast Dagpraktis Makes Man couples sex on the lines of Prfektf is the Life and Perfect with increasing age. 

What does the study? 

Instead of 30, 40 years old at the age of 50 years are more Enjoy your sex life, which makes their relationship even stronger with the partner.

Thank you say is important

Small word Thank could prove to be very important to your relationship. Just remember me, was when on a work partner in the early days of marriage, you say Thank them, so how was shattered smile on their faces. Spouse if one appears a gratitude to each other on behalf of other help, then there is certainly that their relationship takes in the positive direction and bonding deep between them. So make this small Do not write mistaking the small and special feel to say Thank You to forthwith companion. 

What does the study? 

Was asked to partner with Heart Thank marriage heals happy and new energy. When the dust of some kind between the couples, then a small thing in such a negative environment also spoke from the heart work ointment Thank relationships.

With Laughter is beneficial

Laughter Who does not want to stress the curves laugh, but do you know any good for the health of laugh your relationship at any point / joke with that partner? So share with her partner instead of a smile reading jokes / text alone and Hansen opened two hearts. This health and relationship will both remain. 

What does the study? 

With laugh with couples relationship is good and strong. According to the study, such couples are more dedicated and satisfied each other. Together the couples that laugh job tonic to increase the depth and familiarity of their relationship. Studies have also proved that male partners are motivated to laugh at his companion's affection for his partner.
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