The Game of Life allows you to quickly experience a variety of game life (iPhone, Android)

Life is one by one by the choice of the cumulative, and when faced with the election of a moment, decided to move forward the direction, in fact, it is equal to another life Say Goodbye, I believe we all thought, If that time to choose another way, now life will not change better, but we have no time to return to the original decision to change, and now "The Game of Life" can give you a variety of different opportunities for life, in the In short game time, you can make a variety of different decisions and quickly experience a variety of different lives!

"The Game of Life" is a wealthy 3D animation game, but do not buy here, do not want to framed people, want to be the life of the game victory group, in addition to the face of the multiple choice when you do The decision and the challenge comes when you do the effort, the other can only turn to the wheel when the luck, and sound is not really similar with the real life?

The game provides a variety of models, you can chat with friends around the family, but also can be connected to the network to invite FB friends or other players on the line together to challenge the game life, up to four people to play together, of course, only one person, Lonely, because there are computer players to accompany you.

In the "full model" each player needs to go to the end, and settle the total property accumulated by life, the largest amount of people will get the final victory, but the relative need to spend a long time to play; and "fast mode" It is in the game before the start of the card to determine the target, for example, first get five action cards or first earn a certain amount of people to win, do not have to go through the whole life. Two kinds of play need to consider the point of different players need to change the way to choose the way to play quite interesting Oh!

In the game will continue to study or direct employment began to make the first choice, but in the end of life will meet the other half of the game, the game is very cute, but it supports multiple married Oh! And then you can decide whether to have children, buy a house ... and so on, there may be more unexpected twins or triplets, there are a lot of money can make money games, serious play to earn more than others, this is entirely life ah ~ ~ ~

Recommended to experience a variety of life friends to play, the game for the paid software, but the current iOS version of the free time, interested players come!

Software name: The Game of Life

Language: Simplified Chinese, English ...

Developers : Marmalade Game Studio

Software nature: Paid software ( iOS version limited time free of charge )

System support: iOS 8.0 above / Android 4.4 above

Network requirements: no network can be used

Game screen:

The first time you enter the game will be the English interface, you can click into the "Options" switch to Simplified Chinese (currently does not support Fanzhong). Although the translation is a bit of a problem, it is understandable that "local play" can be played offline, and "online games" invite FB friends or other online players.

The Game of Life allows you to quickly experience a variety of game life (iPhone, Android)

Then select the game mode, "full mode" to go to the end to end the game, "fast mode" as long as the goal is the winner.

The Game of Life allows you to quickly experience a variety of game life (iPhone, Android)

There are multiple scenes to play, iOS version limited to free only open "classic" free experience.

Up to four people can play, here demonstration in the local game, so you can choose to add live players or computer players, each player can choose head stickers, gender, representative of color and transport.

In the game at any time there will be a small card can see, so do not worry about how to play Oh!

A choice once, will affect your follow-up life! Do you want to study or work?

The Game of Life allows you to quickly experience a variety of game life (iPhone, Android)

Even the occupation is to draw card decision, first from the four cards in the pumping two, and then choose a career from two cards.

The game world in the roulette appearance opportunity is very much, a lot of action cards need to match the roulette to carry out. Sometimes will be converted into a small game of the venue, in the top of the fierce competition.

All the life, to see you now how to choose, go to the end, the liquidation of your life, all the cards, the purchase of the house, students will be converted into money all the money, the last accumulated the highest amount of people can win victory!

Change the face of App believe that we have played a lot of it! The most popular should be " SNOW " is none other than, but "FaceApp" to play the face is not the kind of fancy or funny type, but take the real line, through the artificial intelligence to identify facial facial features, as long as You can easily change the change!

To provide the face option is not much, two different smile mode, beauty, aging, smaller or male female, female change male, although the option is not much but all wonderful! Looks like the original photo when the long look like this, but also with the photo skin color to do the adjustment, when the old age will be together in the hair color on the move hands and feet, the whole is very natural.

In addition to the four and two photos of the collage mode, with the original photo together to do with the comparison, or in a meeting with friends, you can also take a photo to apply the same face effect, collage together It will be very fun! Photo storage can be directly selected to upload to Facebook, IG, Twitter ... and so share with friends.

Do not make fun of it! "FaceApp" grows, gets smaller, becomes male, female is good (iPhone, Android)

Software name: FaceApp

Language: English

Developers: Wireless Lab

Official website:

Soft nature: free software

System support: iOS 8.0 above / Android 4.4 above

Network requirements: must be connected to the network

Operation screen:

Can take pictures directly, face the face of the face of the photo photographed, or from the bottom of the photo to find the album. You can then use the various effects below.

Do not make fun of it! "FaceApp" grows, gets smaller, becomes male, female is good (iPhone, Android)

The original photo did not grin? It does not matter, so laugh it! Want to know the appearance of your old age? A key to immediately see!

Do not make fun of it! "FaceApp" grows, gets smaller, becomes male, female is good (iPhone, Android)

Change the young feeling is not very different, and the final change boys become girls can only be used in collage, can not be stored separately. Press "ADD TO COLLAGE" to add the collage.

Do not make fun of it! "FaceApp" grows, gets smaller, becomes male, female is good (iPhone, Android)

In the left side of the two and four collage optional, click on the space you can add a different face effect.

After the completion of the lower right corner of the button can be saved to the album, you can also choose to share to other places Oh!

Do not make fun of it! "FaceApp" grows, gets smaller, becomes male, female is good (iPhone, Android)

If you want to join different people in the collage, click "+" to select other people's photos, and then apply the face effects.

Jincheng Wu old handsome, change the woman also looks good personality beauty, laugh is not it very natural?

When many years later, when we meet again, probably about this state of the bar! XD

How can we make money quickly in stocks and other markets? Look at the master's answer without support of the faith. According to my years of experience, you can be responsible to advise everyone, even if we are now doing stocks, futures, foreign exchange, precious metals, etc. are also you need to familiar with the transaction rules, fully understand the market trends and characteristics of the trend In the practice of adjustment and improvement in order to make money, but also not to say that as long as you will operate the sale or obey the analysis of the teacher's call alone can make money, we do investment transactions to profit process

  Many people will have such a confusion, how can we make money in the financial investment market quickly?

  Is there a book that teaches people how to make money quickly through financial investment?

  Answer: If yes, it is a dream, no reality, quick money means fast bankruptcy! Haste is not up , remember, remember, remember the important words repeat three times.

  Investment to make money must go through six stages: learning, loss, less loss, no loss, less profit, profits, can not jump, whether they have finished, first want to have good support.

  According to my years of experience, you can be responsible to advise everyone, even if we are now doing stocks, futures, foreign exchange, precious metals, etc. are also you need to familiar with the transaction rules, fully understand the market trends and characteristics of the trend In the practice of adjustment and improvement in order to make money, but also not to say that as long as you will operate the business or obey the analysis of the teacher's call alone can make money, we do investment transactions to profit process will need a "trial period" Stage, and the heart to engage in a job, like a lot of people boil the past, a few people survived, survived on the one hand, talent, good understanding of the good meet the good teacher guidance, on the one hand they have faith to support.

  It's very important to remember how you performed during the initial stage of the novice's trial period, because it directly determines whether you can make money and earn other problems.

  Why do we want to quickly want to make money in the financial investment market? Why do you want to take shortcuts, of course, this is the human nature, no one want to go around the road.

  Eat faster, love to be fast, get married faster, even the children have to be fast. This is influenced by the impetuous social atmosphere.

  Now, fast, became a synonym for fashion, as if you can not quickly to complete a thing, as if this thing even failed the same.

  Take stock, futures and foreign exchange, if you do not want to experience the "trial period", the market trends and trading rules know little about it, I believe a salesman or analysis of the teacher's instigation, directly open the account of free fighting, kill the ups and downs, Soon, but not two months time, you still can not figure out the rules of the platform and the correct trading thinking, not only no profit, but into a loss of trouble quagmire, and then anxious, would like to turn this time, counterproductive, you It is more impulsive and more irrational state, a lot of incredible moves and behavior are in your body, you look like a strange body, always unable to control their own, state of mind chaos, and all to speed up defeat.

  The face of a series of novice defeated and upset, why worry, how should we do? Do not worry, this problem is simple, as long as the immediate implementation can, and look at the recipe.

  This time, we have to calm down, and then suspend trading for some time, slowly reflect on their own experience of all the process, sorting ideas, to identify the reasons for failure, list, and then go to see at least five books, and then to find the industry's top Of the veteran to learn and exchange, learn about the high people's trading thinking and methods, and then this time we have to slow down the transaction, the first small play play experience, enrich their experience, increase their experience, the final precipitation of things Are able to bring their own income.

  Do the investment must be a pattern, put the eyes long way to do a good job trading model, and then is the focus, and that is to comply with the rules, investment transactions need to be bound by the rules, the model is done, in accordance with the transaction system program implementation, Can not rely on the feeling of operation, remember, feel this thing is to sell you, you believe it, the consequences is lost, the greatest weakness of human nature is the mood, so we have to be patient to improve their own, even if only a little bit of progress every day, It will bring great changes, the process control is good, profit is a natural thing.

  Hust is not up, thick plot to thin hair!

6 ways which will help in the stomach in 7 days

Obesity is the disease which also invited to diseases such as multiple illnesses such as high blood pressure, back pain, heart disease, pain in the knee with the bad personality. Obese people to lose dieting, do workouts etc. gym but still is unable to lose weight because their diet plan right.

If food has to be worked out in the given full attention and with the weight of the soon to be reduced today we have such tips are going to tell you that you just may be able to lose weight in seven days.

1. Take a stroll daily morning and evening, to walk at least 3 kilometers in a day. After lunch too awhile walk. Eat a light meal at night. If you're eating after 8:30 pm Prefer lentils and vegetables instead of bread and rice. 

2. Keep the focus breakfast. Regularly to lose weight by eating breakfast. Change things everyday for breakfast or dinner. Never eat porridge with milk ever cook some pasta and analogies can be eaten.

3. Chocolate, potato, Arabic and avoid eating meat and rice to eat to remove starch. Began as hungry hungry eat as much and in between you can eat carrots, cucumber, cucumber, roasted chickpeas, salad and more.

4. potatoes, flour, reduce intake of sugar, rice etc. and pulses, wheat, gram, barley, carrots, spinach, apples, papaya, etc. Include in your diet.

5. toned milk and toned yogurt, use of cheese and other ingredients. Should take water to drink much less sweet and high calorie foods.

6. Mix up food rather than salt and do not use too much oil to fry the spices.

Weight can be increased easily by consuming herbs

To keep the body healthy and fit, the Ayurvedic method is being used long ago. Herbs have many properties and it does not have side effects on the body. Many herbs are such that their consumption increases appetite and increases weight.

Those who have vata defect (stomach disorders) in the language of Ayurveda, their health is always bad. Due to irregularity in eating, low calorie intake in the body and metabolism is affected. If you want to use herbs to increase obesity, then take a consultation with a physician so that these herbs have no ill effects on your health.

Some herbs growing weight are as follows: -


This is a very good medicine for weight gain. It is hard to eat. It consumes appetite by consuming it. Apart from this, stomach problems like - indigestion or other disorders end up with it. Kirat is used in small intestine enzymes for secretion, gastric secretion and gall bladder problems.


Consuming chamomile increases appetite. It does not have acidity in the food. Chamomile consumption was done long ago to digest food. Apart from this, Chamomile is also a very effective drug for cancer patients. This drug is very useful for the thin people. Eating it ends brain anxiety and stress.


Ginger is very sharp in eating. Ginger is a very old and easily medicated medicine. It was used for preserving the digestive tract already. Mix dry ginger with the good and get rid of problems like cold and stomachache. Ginger consumption also increases blood circulation. Ginger is not used in appetite, indigestion, flatulence and nausea. Ginger is very beneficial to protect against cold.


Chyavanprash is a very beneficial herbal tonic for the body. Chyavanprash can be used by people of all ages. By eating it every day, the body gets energy and metabolism improves. Chyavanprash contains a mixture of many herbs. By consuming it with milk and with juice, the body gets natural strength.

Sattvari kalpa 

It is very beneficial to increase obesity. By taking it, the reproductive organs and muscles are strong. Sattari kalpa increases eyesight too.


It is a chemical or tonic that strengthens the immune system. By eating it increases appetite and digestion is good. It ends stress.

Spring kusumakar juice

It strengthens body parts. This leads to good digestion and increases obesity.


By eating Yashtimudhu, the body receives adequate nutrients. This completes fruit deficient nutrients. 

However, to improve digestion, taking of herbs is a very good solution. But proper diet for better health and yoga on every day is also very important. Yoga and proper eating habits help increase weight.

Do you have trouble with the mole of the face

Being mole on the face increases the beauty. But if there are sesame in many places on the face then it can cause trouble for you.

Especially girls have to face such a problem. Today, you will tell us some ways you can remove sesame seeds. 

  • Mix a few drops of baking soda in castor oil and make paste and place it in a sesame place. 
  • Cut a small part of the banana peel. Place the inside part on the sesame and stick with the tape. By doing so for a few days, the problem of sesame will get rid of it. 
  • Cauliflower is used in every home. Put the flavor juice on the place of sesame. By doing such a few days sesame will disappear. 
  • Coriander is a very effective solution to remove sesame. Make a paste of coriander leaves and place them in a sesame area for a few days. Wash after some time. 
  • Put garlic paste on sesame every night before sleeping. Wash the skin with light water in the morning. Mole will disappear in a few days after doing this.

Take the opportunity to seek and focus on the goal

At present, every person is upset. The reason for the problem is its failure. There is obstruction in every opportunity. But the successful person has an opportunity in every obstacle. Tell you a story. 

It is a matter of time, in one place, there were different types of pictures in the picture exhibition. The painters came from far and wide for this exhibition. One of the pictures was different in this exhibition. In that picture, the face of the shape was covered with thick hair. He had wings in his legs. Seeing that image with astonishment.

On the last day of the exhibition, the audience asked the painter, 'Whose picture have you made it? The face is covered with hair. Why do you have wings in his feet? ' The artist explained, 'I want to give a message through this picture.

This picture is of opportunity. 'People asked,' How do we assume that this picture is of opportunity? ' The artist said, 'I tell you. Its face is covered so that whenever the opportunity comes to people, we often do not recognize it.

If we look closely, it will be understood that one good opportunity came to us from every day and we could not identify him, he could not use it. There is a need to keep mind and eyes open to utilize the opportunity.

Looking for opportunities, not only listen to people, but also to see what they are not speaking, what they are not seeing. The unsuccessful man is seen obstacle in every opportunity, while the successful person sees opportunities for himself in every obstacle. Therefore, always aware and aware of the opportunity, take full advantage of it.

Remedies to overcome fatigue

If you do not feel like working in your office. There is a desire to sleep. Feeling weak in the body. This often happens in the summer. There are some things that will ease your fatigue in minutes after eating.

Nut is the source to relieve fatigue. In vitamins, proteins, vitamins are found in a considerable quantity. By eating it, your body gets enough energy.

By drinking watermelon, the water shortage in the body is completed soon. Your body will be completely hydrated.

By drinking ginger tea, your sleep can be overcome as well as your sleep. The caffeine present in the tea will make you feel fresh and the energy you get from sugar will get energy.

Pumpkin seeds can be used. It contains 3 fatty acids and nutrients. This gives the body energy quickly.

Asthma can also be due to dust in the house

We all have seen many times that a family member repeatedly comes to cough and fever. You and we take him very lightly.

But doing so may have a great adverse effect on the health of that person. This can also be due to problems in TV, asthma and lungs. The most affected are small children.

Doctors say that the reason for having more asthma disease than the external environment is present in our house. This is also due to cleaning the sofa, sheet and perdu in more days.

Due to the use of more days, the dust starts to accumulate. It starts complaining of allergic in children. At the same time, they also have the effect of resistance to disease fighting.

Therefore, in order to keep everyone's health better for the children, cleanliness of the house, especially the curtains, sheets and sofas should be done regularly and from time to time. So that there is no bad effect on the health of children.

Peanuts are very beneficial for health

Peanuts are all the ingredients found in almonds but at very cheap prices. Peanut is a treasure of health, and it is also a cheap source of vegetable protein. The amount of groundnut that comes in the price of an egg contains many times more protein than the egg. Milk and eggs have less protein compared to it.

* Peanuts are beneficial for health, fewer known people know. In the peanut, the treasure of health is hidden, which is very important for physical growth. If you have not taken milk due to any reason, then peanut is a good option.

* Bad cholesterol is less than eating groundnut.

* Groundnut should be eaten with food in vegetable, kheer, khichdi etc. and eat it regularly. Being part of the oil in peanut, it also destroys air diseases.

* The biggest advantage of peanut is that the oil found in it is heart friendly, i.e. heart patients have no problem in eating groundnut.

* Groundnut is filled with milk, almonds and ghee.

* Peanut enhances digestive power, is interesting, but it is also harmful to people of hot nature. Eating peanuts increases bile, so be careful.

* In this, mono-insaturated fatty acids are found which reduce LDL or bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

* Peanut contains many types of nutritious ingredients such as copper, calcium, magnesium and iron are found which strengthen bones.

* Peanut rich in omega 6 keeps the skin soft and moist. Many people also use peanut paste as a face pack.

* Vitamin B12 is found in groundnut, which is very beneficial for pregnant women.

* Proteins, beneficial fats, fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants are found in abundance. Therefore, the skin is seen to be lifespan throughout the ages due to its intake.

* It is believed that eating a small quantity of peanuts daily keeps the balance of hormones in women and men.

* If you eat peanuts in the winter, your body will stay warm. It is useful in cough and stresses the lungs.
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